Tell Me More: Submit Your Story for My Podcast!
One of my goals in my 50th year is to do something “different” with my 25 years of experience as a doctor.
So...I am starting a podcast!
One of the things I hear over and over from patients is that we (their doctors and health care professionals) don’t listen.
It is a problem that contributes to poor health care outcomes in immeasurable ways. Patients TRY to talk and are met with doctors glazing over, staring at a computer screen, or who have one hand on the doorknob. So..they stop trying.
Doctors mean well, and they TRY to listen, but they have long days, charting to do, and another patient to see. So…they can’t always listen.
Medical symptoms are blown off.
Timelines are distorted.
Test results are misunderstood.
Health is not improved by the doctor-patient interaction. It may be worsened.
So, on “Tell Me More: Conversations with Doctors and Patients,” we will unpack some of the best and worst stories from patients who wished they had said more and doctors who wish they had listened better.
Right now, we are collecting stories from potential guests. If you are a patient who has a compelling story about a health care conversation (good or bad), please email me. Please share if you are a clinician who can think of a patient outcome that was improved or worsened simply by your listening skills (or lack of).
Please send a description of your story to me at Be sure to put PODCAST in the subject line. Thanks!