Updated! Adaptive Tools for Home and Car: A Guest Webinar
On November 19, 2024, our team hosted CMMD patient Ed Nathan for an encore presentation on a topic that impacts many patients: adaptive tools to make the home and car safer and more enjoyable to use. Mr. Nathan's presentation included first-hand recommendations for products (with links!) to assist those with mobility, dexterity, sight, hearing, or other physical challenges, and to make everyday tasks easier for anyone.
Problem-Solving: Adaptive Tools for Everyone
Have you ever struggled to get a pill out of a blister pack? To get a credit card out of a parking meter or ATM? How about safely opening a jam or pickle jar? You may be surprised to learn that adaptive devices can make life easier for everyone, not just those with disabilities. Join us on Tuesday, November 19 at 7pm for an encore presentation on a wide range of adaptive tools – devices that can solve daily challenges and make it safer to complete tasks. Our presenter, Ed Nathan, PhD. has over 20 years of corporate training and leadership development experience. He has CMT (Charcot Marie Tooth) Type 2, which resulted in the amputation of his right leg below the knee in 2010, and which also makes using his hands very difficult. Ed will share his essential tools for the kitchen, bathroom, car, and even the garden.
Click below to watch the recording of this helpful webinar:
And you can download the updated slide deck of tools here: